It is alright to be afraid, but you don't have to be afraid of being afraid. That's what usually stops you.
Let yourself dive into the fear, process it, and then you will know through your feelings, through your emotionality, what it is about yourself that you have been taught to separate, to segregate, and what you can bring back and absorb and integrate within you.
More often than not, you do not allow yourselves to feel, or to be in touch with feelings that would help you integrate yourself, because you are afraid of being afraid.
You remove yourself two steps beyond the original feeling. You can be afraid and still do anything you want. Being afraid does not stop you from doing what you want.
Being afraid of being afraid stops you. Understand the difference. Just being afraid about something directly does not ever stop you from doing what you want.
What is fear? According my good friend Esther Hicks, she said fear is me looking at something that I don't want and my inner being refusing to go there with me.
The feeling of fear, or any negative emotion, is me looking at something and my inner being saying "you can look, dear one, but I'm not going to look, I'm going to stay over here with your dream. I'm going to stay over here and tend to the dream and the only reason that you're feeling that fear is because you're not tending to your dream. So, come over here with me."
And you say "no, I'm dedicated to fear." And your inner being says "come over here, this is where you really are, this is who you've become, come over here." And you say "no, I'm going to stay over here and be afraid."
So you have to say "my fear is natural given the thoughts I'm thinking and I can't control the conditions that I'm afraid of, but I can control my attention to them."
You're not feeling fear because the condition exists, you're feeling fear because you're looking at the condition activated in your vibration and causing contradiction in your own energy stream. You don't feel fear because there are bad things out there and you know that because bad things were out there before you knew about them and you didn't feel fear.
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