Thursday, November 26, 2020

Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

                                                                          Photo by Clay Banks

One of the key tenets of the Law of Attraction is remaining humble and grateful for everything that life has provided you. It’s important to tell yourself that good things are going to come your way, but you don’t want to become cocky or expect that everything will work out perfectly every time. You must remain grateful for the blessings that have graced you and be thankful to the Universe for providing you with life and success. 

Remaining grateful is an important part of the Law of Attraction because it allows you to take a step back and realize what life is about. If you refuse to be grateful for your health and success, you will start to expect things that might not come your way. This will ultimately lead to frustration and unhappiness. While it is true that you can use the Law of Attraction to bring more positive things your way, you shouldn’t expect that everything will always work out. You should show gratitude to the world for bringing positive experiences your way. 

You can keep a check on your gratitude levels by keeping a daily journal of the things that you are happy for. This will help you to realize that there are many things that have blessed you in your life. This is especially beneficial when you start to feel frustrated or like things aren’t going your way. Taking the time to show gratitude can truly help you realize what you are thankful for and that there are many positive aspects to your life. This can create a positive cycle in which you find it easier to think positively and go after the things that you want to achieve in life. 

By letting other people know that you are grateful for their friendship and support, you will create better relationships and set yourself up to be more successful in the long run. People appreciate your gratitude and will be more likely to bring happiness and joy into your life if you show them how thankful you are for them. A good friendship is a grateful friendship, and the Law of Attraction will bring positive things your way if you follow these rules. 

You should be grateful for your health as well as any external successes. After all, being healthy is a key tenet towards practicing the Law of Attraction and creating a successful life for yourself. The more you appreciate your health and well-being, the more you’ll be able to take advantage of it. You’ll feel younger and have more energy to accomplish all the things that you’ve set out to do. By exercising gratitude, you’ll compound the health benefits of the Law of Attraction, harboring a more optimistic and healthful outlook on life. This will help you become more successful, both in your personal relationships and your financial endeavors. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

5 Great Tips To Make Your Goals Your Reality


                                                               Photo by Markus Winkler

Goals are a great tool for motivation. But if you don’t use them correctly, they can also be a source of frustration. Goals are only empowering if they are used properly. So how do you make a goal into something that is a benefit for you?

Goal-setting strategies are important, especially to help you create the type of success you desire and deserve. Here are five goal-setting techniques to help you realize them.

1. Balance Your Goals: In your life, you will have personal development goals, personal finance goals, and things goals. Don’t neglect any of them. It is ok to want things, but don’t forget to balance those pursuits with your own growth as a person. All of these goals are important so be clear about all of them and make them real for you.

2. Plan Actions From Your Goals: Goals are no items for your to-do list. Your goal is what you are striving for. Plan specific actions that lead you towards those goals. Use the goals to provide your compass for those actions. When you plan actions for the day you can easily tell if they’re going to be effective if you have clear goals to compare them against.

3. Share Your Goals: If you were an archer, would you keep it a secret that your goal is to hit the bulls-eye? Too many keep their goals a secret. Share your goals with people who will support and encourage your aims.

4. Write Down Your Goals: Make your goals real by recording them. Put copies of your goals on index cards and keep copies in the car and in the bathroom and review them regularly. Make them the center of your focus. Don’t just set them and then ignore them. Your goals are like a compass to tell you which way to go. The exciting part is that you get to chose the alignment of your compass.

5. Don’t Give Up: Your goals and the actions you take to get them are different things. Don’t be afraid to try something, fail, and try something else. Take effective and massive action to meet your goals and understand that any true goals will take many steps to achieve. Sometimes you will make a misstep, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the goal. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s only those who abandon their goals who don’t achieve them.

Concepts Behind Wealth Creation


                                                                                  Photo by Nate Johnston 

Wealth creation involves a slew of different concepts that can only contribute positively to your life. In the hustle and bustle of a fast lifestyle, people seem to forget the different methods that make individuals successful. For some people, they just lose the perspective to apply the different success methods. When people lose focus and tend to view the small details as part of their success pattern, then the goal loses its value. That is why it is important not to forget the different personal concepts that govern wealth creation.

Having a Wealthy View

Financial abundance and wealth creation is a real and tangible idea. But there is a critical condition to it. In order to grasp the ideas of wealth creation, one must take the view of the rich and the wealthy. To have a wealthy view is to have the mindset of a millionaire.

Wealth creating mindset sees the world in a different light. That fundamental principle allows successful people to adapt to different problems while finding fresh methods to attack the blocks that hinder them from achieving their financial goals. They find optimism when an ordinary optimist says no. They also find encouragement in defeats. Most importantly, they find opportunities when it is almost invisible. The key to creating wealth is therefore to master personal concepts to develop a wealthy perspective.

Where most people find nothing, wealth creation entails finding value in things. However, the most successful wealth creators not only find value. Instead, they create it! In order to create or increase one's value, wealth creators increase their own individual value first. Wealth creators realize that in order to succeed, one must always exceed even their own expectations. An adaptive mindset that creates value wherever he goes will find himself a very important element in a successful enterprise. 

Wealth creation also entails seizing opportunities. In leadership terms, we call it initiative. Individually, we can call it being proactive. A proactive person finds things to do when others see it as free time. They do not wait for opportunities to bite them. Instead, they come biting at opportunities. Once you become a proactive person, you will suddenly find that opportunities come at you at a much faster rate, giving you a way to create more wealth.

If you do not follow your passion, wealth creation is not fun. Wealth creation is hard enough of a process. If you feel that these activities are routine and boring, you will be gasping for air before you get halfway there. The most successful people will usually tell you that they love what they are doing. They will even go far as saying that they will do the things that they love even though they won't get paid for it. Once we find our passion, everything becomes easy and you will be on the top of the wealth creation chain in no time.

Saving is involved in wealth creation, and that means foregoing what we can spend now for later. While the concept of delayed gratification seems easy, only a few people can heartily apply it. Delaying gratification allows us to see into the future and believe that there is a better value for happiness if you save gratification. With the savings compounded over time, wealth is created. Removing instant gratification from our habits will ensure that money always goes wherever they need to go.

Finally, creating wealth involves moving forward. Improving oneself in every aspect and knowing that are different ways to be a better person is a mindset that will help people in the long run. As they say, Rome is not built in a day. We must learn to account for each small action and find ways to improve ourselves.

Wealth Creation is not an exercise or a method. Instead, it is a revamp of your current lifestyle to a life that produces a sense of accomplishment. This way we are able to move forward feeling very confident. Wealth Creation is a journey not only of our economic standing but also of our overall happiness.

How To Get A Millionaire Mind


                                                                             Photo by Laura Chouette

You may often find yourself wondering why some individuals struggle to exist while others have an abundance of wealth. The key to all this is the mindset of the individuals. Those who are wealthy have what many refer to as a millionaire mind. This millionaire mind is a different way of thinking that separates those who are successful from everyone else.

When it comes to the millionaire mind the subconscious is the most powerful. It often takes over for the conscious mind. This allows individuals to achieve success rather than pushing the subconscious mind out of the way and listening to their conscious mind and never achieving success.

The key to learning to listen to your subconscious mind is to have a positive view of money and wealth rather than a negative view. However, changing your thinking isn’t the only way to gain a millionaire's mind. There are other things you can do. Consider a few of them listed below.

Assume Responsibility

No matter what happens in your life you should make sure you take responsibility for it. Don’t place the blame for your problems on others. There is more benefit to doing this than you may think. It allows individuals to realize what they can and cannot do which allows them to set realistic goals for what they want to achieve out of life. This can be very beneficial to gaining a millionaire's mind. Next always make sure your mind focuses on the positive.

Positive Thinking

You are likely to give more attention to whatever you focus your attention on. Therefore, you should focus on what you want and you will soon achieve it. Those with a millionaire mind know to focus on financial freedom. As a result, they are often drawn to events and individuals that can benefit them and help them achieve their goals. So make sure you have a positive view of wealth and money so that you can achieve better results. Next, consider what you do for work.


You can expect to gain wealth if you are spending the majority of your time doing a job you don’t like. Doing what you enjoy for work is the only true way that you can become successful. Therefore, those with a millionaire mind attempt to focus on producing quality work rather than focusing only on gaining individual wealth. If money is your only motivating factor not only will you never achieve it, but you will also miss out on the other benefits life has to offer at the same time.

By applying these tips you will be able to achieve a millionaire mind. Once you have a millionaire mindset you will be more likely to achieve good results. These good results will not only help to give you financial freedom but in the long run, will allow you to enjoy life. To develop your millionaire mindset today and see how your life can benefit.

Do you want to know more about how to get an abundant Mindset?

Are You Focusing On What You Really Want?


                                                                                  Photo by Deividas Toleikis

Imagine you’re happily driving down a country road on a clear, sunny day. Suddenly a semi-truck crosses the center line and is heading right at you. Heart pounding and adrenaline rushing, you react. Will you avert disaster? Maybe. Maybe not. In this moment, your life depends on where you focus.

Professional driving instructors tell us that what people usually do in emergency situations is to stay focused on the object they are trying to avoid. In driving, where your eyes and mind are focused is most often where you will steer.

Unfortunately, if you were focused on the truck in the situation above you would likely steer right into it. The route to safety is to focus on where you want to go. In this case, you’d look away from the truck to a place that’s safer. You would then automatically steer the car in that direction. Safe!

You may be wondering, “What the heck does that have to do with creating more pleasure, passion, and purpose in my life?”

My response is “A great deal!” As in the example of the truck, your life depends on where you focus.

Focusing on What You Don’t Want Steers You to More of That

Often when we are feeling stuck, dissatisfied, confused, or unhappy we are focused on what we DON’T want. We are looking at the truck we’d like to avoid.

We’re thinking or saying “I don’t want to be in this miserable job another day” or “I don’t want to work on this project” or “I don’t want to have pizza for dinner tonight.”

From the big events to the small details in life, we tend to put a lot of our thoughts and attention on precisely what we don’t want.

So, what’s the problem with that? Well, it’s kind of like steering your car into the truck. The more you focus on what you don’t want, the more you head in that direction.

Your mind is wired to create whatever you focus on.

Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and Maxwell Maltz’s “Psychocybernetics” are two classic books on this subject. These and other researchers tell us that the mind can’t tell the difference between something you’re thinking about that you want and something you’re thinking about that you do not want.

Whatever you think about, your mind goes to work to make that happen.

Getting More of What You Really Do Want

If you’d like to get more of what you want in life (pleasure, passion, purpose), shift your focus away from what you don’t want and clearly, purposefully towards what you do want.

Your mind will go to work creating that. You’ll get unstuck. Your energy will increase. Solutions, alternatives, and options will come to you more easily.

Here’s a recent personal example. At the end of a long day, I was getting ready to prepare dinner. I’d been grocery shopping and had the ingredients for three complex dishes I hadn’t made before.

Hungry and tired, I reviewed the recipes but quickly became frustrated and overwhelmed. I started saying to myself “I don’t want to make these dishes. I don’t want this to be so hard. I don’t want these recipes to be so complicated.”

Those thoughts increased my agitation. I felt stuck and upset. Then I took a deep breath. I asked myself, “What do I really want in this situation right now?” (Besides a personal chef!)

The answer was “I want to make a healthy and great tasting dinner in a way that is fast and easy for me.”

I quickly saw a solution I’d been unable to see minutes before: make only one of the new dishes that night along with a simple salad and save the other new recipes for another evening.

So that’s what I did. The cooking was less stressful and the food turned out great. I switched from what I didn’t want to what I did want. And it worked!

Are you focused on what you want or what you don’t want?

I know many (maybe most) of us have an ingrained habit pattern that focuses us on what we don’t want. Changing this pattern can be challenging. And I’ve seen with myself and my clients that it’s definitely worth doing!

In Your Life

The more you focus on what you do want, the more pleasure, passion, and purpose you will create in your life. Focus on the clear road ahead, not on the truck coming at you. Try experimenting with this.

1) When you’re feeling stuck, stressed, worried, angry, unhappy, or upset, become aware of what you’re focusing on. You may be focusing on exactly what you don’t want.

2) As soon as you notice you’re focusing on what you DON’T want, ask yourself, “What DO I want in this situation?”

3) Purposefully and intentionally, change your focus to and keep your focus on what you do want.

4) Repeat as needed.


For more about what you really want, click here.

Your Happiness, Your Success, and the Law of Attraction


                                                               Photo by Amy Shamblen

What have you been focusing on lately? On how well life is going for you? Or on how many businesses you've been doing compared to last year, or how well your superiors have been rating you? Or on how much your partner loves you and how much you revel in the relationship you are having? On the excellent state of your bank account? On your ever-present good health and slim and trim physique? Or on the joy, you experience each time you sit down to dinner with your teenage children? On the wonderful vacation you came back from recently and the even more exciting one you are planning for the near future? Or in a good way you feel about yourself and all the things you are creating and doing with your life?

What You Think is What You Are

I can just hear you spluttering. What kind of romantic thinking is this? Where do these ideas come from? I don't know anybody who thinks like that.

True. Most people don't think like that. In fact, most people think the exact opposite of that. Most people concentrate on all the things that are going wrong with their lives. Most people spend much of their time thinking about their problems and wondering how they are going to solve them. Most people think about all the things that could go wrong with their lives or about the people or events that stand in the way of their success. Most people think and think and think about whatever it is that worries them because they believe that that is the way to resolve the problem. The fact is that most people focus so much on what they are afraid of, or what bothers them, or what stresses them, or what they don't know how to solve, that they are giving all or most of their conscious and subconscious energy to a negative outcome the problem.

What Kind of an Outcome Do You Want?

Consider this: the more you give your energy to one thing, the more that thing has a possibility of coming into being. If you concentrate on getting a university degree, you will most likely achieve that goal. If you concentrate on writing a book, you will again probably achieve that goal. But what happens if you continually tell yourself, while you are concentrating on getting the degree, that you are not intelligent enough to pass the exams, or that you simply are incapable of understanding the course material? And what happens, if you continually tell yourself while you are concentrating on writing the book, that you will never be able to write well, or that your story is not good enough? Obviously, you are not only undermining yourself and sabotaging your desired outcomes, but you may also be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I wanna know more about it.

Focus and Intention

So what can you do? Let's assume you are convinced that you lack the intelligence to pass the exams. Or that you are convinced that you will never write well. You have a goal, and that goal is to get a degree or to write a book. In order to focus on that goal, your mission is to ensure that your thoughts are aligned with or intentionally focused on – that goal. Therefore, whenever your thoughts stray from the goal into negative territory, you need to pull them back into the arena of positive results.

Goals and Fears

But focusing on the desired goal is very hard for a very simple reason: we are far too used to focusing on the fears surrounding the goal (I am so afraid I will never have a great relationship, rather than imagining in your mind's eye the great relationship in the way you want it to be; or how will I ever get that promotion rather than imagining in your mind's eye the way you will feel when you do get the hoped-for promotion).

How to Focus

So how do you focus? When you worry, and your mind goes around and around a problem, or some stress in your life, you are very focused on the problem. It is exactly at that moment that you need to re-focus and see your desired goal or outcome in your mind's eye, rather than all the problems you associate with it. The more time you spend on whatever it is you want to have in your life whether this is a material goal, a professional goal, a relational goal, or whatever makes absolutely no difference, the more you will be in a position to achieve it, to attract it into your life. The more you think and focus on that goal in a positive way, the more you allow yourself to “feel” the way you would feel if you already had the results, the more likely it is that you will attain your desired outcome. This is the Law of Attraction.

Intentionally Re-focus on the Positive

Remember: the time you spend worrying about the desired outcome is time spent focusing on the opposite of what you want, so become very aware of all your thoughts and focus them in the right direction. Do this consistently each time you catch yourself thinking the negative version of your goals until intentionally re-focusing on the positive becomes second nature. This habit is like strengthening a muscle, if you do it every day, it will happen more and more frequently and naturally, and soon you will find that not only do the majority of your thoughts and feelings focus on the positive direction of your goals but that those positive goals become part of your reality.

As A Man Thinketh

Make time to read a complimentary copy of the e-book version of James Allen's classic As A Man Thinketh by signing up for my free monthly e-zine and begin to understand how your thoughts and your feelings contribute in immeasurable ways to the fulfillment of your goals and dreams. How they create the very fabric of your life. And how you by taking charge of your thoughts and feelings, and by focusing with clear intention can make a very different life than the one you may currently have.

Get your FREE course here.

Rock Your World With The Law Of Attraction


                                                          Photo by Edgar Chaparro 

Ok…so you have seen The Secret. Now, it’s time to get rockin’ with the Law of Attraction.

So many times people get all jazzed up when they learn about the Law of Attraction – but implementing it gets tricky and that “jazz” fizzles out.

So let’s talk about the Law, and then I will give you the “how” on implementing it. Are you in the game?!

What do you think of when you hear the word “attract”? How would it feel to be able to ATTRACT whatever you would like INTO your life? It’s possible. You can come to depend on the Universal Law of Attraction, just as you have come to depend on the Physical Law of Gravity.

You may have heard the Law of Attraction referred to in different ways throughout your life, but it has no doubt shown up. Here are a few ways we have talked about it …

1. What you have sown you reap.

2. What you put out you get back.

3. Like attracts like

4. Law of supply and demand

5. What comes around goes around.

6. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

7. Emerson called it the Law of Compensation

Catherine Ponder, author of the Dynamic Law of Prosperity defines the Law of Attraction like this: “What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures, and words you attract into your life.”

Abraham-Hicks, defines the Law of Attraction like this: “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Yes, like attracts like. What does this mean for you? It means that when you are focused upon what you WANT to create in your life you will attract that….and when you are focused upon what you DON’T WANT to create in your life, you will attract that too. It means that you are indeed a magnet, and it means that you are a magnifying glass. What you focus on gets bigger…and comes to you quickly.

You may have had the experience in your life where you have wanted something very badly, and out of that passion, out of that pure desire, you were able to create it. There was no stopping you. You believed that it was to be, and you did not doubt that it was to come into your life. You said YES! to having that “something” come into your life.

You may also have had the experience in your life where you have wanted something very much, and have not been able to create it. Think about money for a moment… You want very badly to create the flow of money into your life, but you don’t. You say, I want more money…but I hate paying bills, I hate that others have it and I don’t, money is evil, or you just focus on the fact that you indeed can’t create it. You take action, you ask, you pray and it still does not show up. You focus on the fact that it’s not here, you focus on the lack of money in your life. What do you think you will create?

So, if like attracts like….and you focus on the negative aspects of anything, or focus on what you do not have – you will create more of what you do not have. If you focus on what is, you will create more of what is. If you focus (and sometimes we do very strongly) on what you DON’T want in your life, for example, I don’t want cancer…I don’t want poverty…I don’t want this or that or this or that….you are saying NO to it, and that as well will bring it into our lives. What we give our attention to comes into our life…it is the Law of Attraction. Whether you are saying yes or no to something does not matter – it is the focus that carries the vibration and causes us to attract unto us. Be careful what you say no to.

The key would be to focus on FEELING GOOD and focus on what you DO want! The key is to consciously be aware of your abundance mentality, and know that you attract what you radiate and vibrate into the world. Nothing is more important than feeling good! How you are feeling and where your attention is, is your point of attraction. Period.

You must remember that the Universe is abundant – completely. There is no lack, only our perception of it. You must remember that there is always enough, and what you ask for is given to you. You must remember that you were meant to prosper… be wealthy on all levels of life. There is nothing that you can conceive of that you can not be, do, or have.

Most of the time we walk around creating by default…now it’s time to create using the Law of Attraction. You can be or do or have anything that you desire in this life. You must acknowledge yourself as the powerful creator that you are and choose thoughts and feelings that make you feel good, and that are in alignment with what you really want in your life.

Continue reading, click here for more knowledge.