Everything about how to manifest what you want in your life - Wealth, Health, Relations, Vocation and Happiness
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Stop wishing - START DOING
Sunday, September 27, 2020
The Prosperity In Forgiveness
I have found myself inspired to write on this topic on more than one occasion…. All of us, at some point in our lives, have felt the desperate inner turmoil and confusion that comes from feeling that we have been “wronged” or betrayed in some way. You fight to understand what is wrong with a person to have done such a thing or to be such away. You wonder what may be wrong with you. Have I deserved such treatment? Am I just completely nave? I am too trusting. I have loved too deeply, and now I am paying for it. The list of inner chatter goes on and on as we try to make sense of our lives.
Maybe the lack of forgiving perse is not your issue maybe its that you have forgiven time and time again, only to continually set yourself up for victimization. Your sense of self-esteem, your sense of trust in yourself, your personal power have been chipped away bit by bit.
As you well know, the consequences of that inner turmoil run quite deep. On one end of the spectrum, your life can become filled with resentment and anger. You may begin to withhold your true self from your family and friends as a basic survival instinct, keeping yourself safe becomes a priority. On the other end of the spectrum- you may sense the undercurrent of hurt only arises at times but none the less is like a rock under the carpet of your life waiting to be tripped over and always unsettling.
Forgiveness whether it be forgiving yourself or others is a major piece of the puzzle as we look at the elements necessary to create a prosperous and abundant life. It is too often overlooked like one of the blocks to your success. Why? Because we think that our feelings are justified when a wrong has been done to you. When we are justified, nothing needs changing right? You SHOULD feel this way. Maybe, if you want to keep your level of abundance and prosperity exactly where it is at.
Let me say that again nothing needs changing and forgiveness doesn’t need to happen – If you are happy with how you feel inside. Nothing needs changing IF you are pleased with the amount of personal and financial abundance you presently experience. Nothing needs changing IF you feel that you are completely free.
What I want to make clear in this discussion is that, yes, you certainly are “justified” in feeling the way you do always whether we are talking about forgiveness or any other issue. Your feelings are always valid. They are always your experience. They are always right, and you have the right to choose how you will feel. You are at choice, and your choices work for you they protect you. I am not here to tell you that your feelings are wrong.
BUT it is important to acknowledge that you have the power to choose your feelings…and if they resonate in a way that is not alignment with your highest good – and what you want for your life…(abundance and prosperity on all levels) – then you get to choose something different!
So, as it relates to your sense or experience of prosperity forgiveness is a must. If you do not choose forgiveness, you may be choosing the lack of it, which translates into anger, resentment, fear, frustration, etc. These emotions are not in alignment with the energy and emotion of abundance…which is love.
The consequences of that state mostly hurt you. Anger, inability to trust others, an inappropriate setting of boundaries, perceived sense of righteousness, development of extreme or high expectations of self or others, inability to move toward intimacy, pain, hurt, anxiety, depression, and fear again just to name a few. Simply put, all of these feelings are state's negativity, which resonate with a scarcity consciousness.
What I know to be true, is that our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world. If you feel and live in a state of prosperity consciousness and love, your outer world will be an expression of many riches….not only financial but your sense of peace and happiness, the state of your relationships, your health. If you live in scarcity consciousness, fear, and lack and negativity that is what will manifest in your outer world.
If you come from a place of prosperity consciousness, which is all about love, feeling good, bliss, appreciation, and connection to your higher self, you will begin to attract more prosperity than you ever thought possible.
How can you be connected – truly connected – if you haven’t forgiven yourself for your mistakes, forgiven your friends and family for theirs?
How has scarcity manifested in your own life? Can you identify areas in your life that lack forgiveness or that carry the undercurrent of negativity and jam up your flow of prosperity?
Here is the hard part. HOW do I forgive? Although each person is different here is a basic recipe for forgiveness. And by that, I mean true forgiveness not the kind of forgiveness that you just pretend that you have forgiven! It’s a true shift.
8 Principles of Forgiving
1. Know that forgiveness is a choice and even skill. You weren't born unforgiving and you shouldn't beat yourself up about where you are in your ability to forgive at this point. Be good to yourself and honor where you are.
2. Start with a forgiveness inventory. Have you ever gone through the process of consciously forgiving? What worked for you? What didn't? Ask yourself what you get out of keeping the pain, hurt, or anger. Like it or not, there is a payoff. (safety, be right, etc!)
3. Become very clear about the fact that forgiveness is about moving from fear (scarcity consciousness) to love (prosperity consciousness). What do you think fear, anger, and resentment can accomplish? (not much) What do you think love can accomplish? (anything!!) How does this resonate within you? What choice are you going to make about this?
4. Accept the fact that you can not change others only yourself. Within that, accept that you can change yourself at any moment's time. Its called a “shift”. Practice shifting into love and away from fear, resentment, and negativity. Note that when you practice or pretend it becomes easier in real life after awhile.
5. Know that forgiveness is not about minimizing your pain or other actions or staying in a situation that does not honor YOU. For example, an abusive job or relationship that does heal or evolve. It's about a conscious choice to let go for you and your highest good or the highest good of all. Its the absence of resentment, anger, blame, and judgment. It’s the choice release and makes choices that are in alignment with the peace and prosperity that you want to create. It’s about freeing yourself…and opening possibilities – whether it be in your finances, your relationships, or health.
6. Release it. Design a forgiveness ritual one that feels good to you. Burn a candle. Write unsent letters. Vent in writing, and literally put your feelings on the page. You are in charge of how much you will let yourself spin and vent. Keep the perspective here. Know that what you focus on grows, so don’t spend to much time on the negativity of it all then move forward in “lightness” and love. Choose a better thought – such as, I choose to release and forgive, I choose to put myself first, I choose to honor myself. If you think you have forgiven and you still feel resentment, then you have not forgiven. Ask yourself, am I willing to release this? When? (perhaps now?) Keep asking and keep releasing.
7. Know that you can not heal your own pain by refusing to forgive others. Honor yourself by starting to forgive and let go. It's good for your body and soul. Carolyn Myss says, “Your biography becomes biology…” Come to understand that most of the time people are not out to intentionally hurt you – but it is usually about their own fears, issues, and pain when actions are taken and offenses made. You don’t need to hold onto their wrongdoings – or have it eventually become your own biology…ouch, not worth it!
8. See people for the perfect souls they are…souls that were created from the source of love and all that is. I ask you….would it be hard to forgive the source of all love, the love that we all are? Nope. If you choose to be in this soft space, forgiveness becomes much easier.
Choosing forgiveness is the first step. You need not rush the process, for learning how to forgive, and using that in your life is key prosperity, peace, and spiritual growth.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Achieving Financial Freedom
Financial freedom is a word that has taken primacy in the 21st century. It is a term that describes a lifestyle that is organically planned where no one is required to work for income to cover their expenses. Financial freedom perpetuates that one can be free of the responsibilities of money as long as he has set a life-defining plan to handle his finances.
Financial freedom does not mean that one is free of debt. However, it contends that debt can be defined as an expense. While debt is a constant financial consideration, a person who has acquired financial freedom is allowed to mark the debt as a part of his expenses rather than a weight to his financial goals.
Financial freedom is a misconception of being rich. While we know that rich people have a number of million dollars in the account, their overhead long-run costs could mean that they are not as financially independent as they seem. Therefore financial freedom is a concept attuned to your lifestyle and the amount of money you have to cover it. In this perspective, financial freedom is not as hard to achieve as first imagined.
Financial Freedom is Time Freedom
For other people, financial freedom is equivalent to having an expanded leisure time. The concept of time is money comes into play. In reality, a financially independent person will see that money is time. Once you are able to develop a sense of time freedom, then that means you are in a positive direction to acquire financial freedom
Financial freedom makes one's finances less of a concern. Defined differently, financial freedom allows someone to take time on activities without trading your free time for income. Financial freedom hinges on tradable assets that compound overtime to cover for regular expenses. Thus, wealth is created which generates more time and money. It allows people to cut their working hours with no loss of income because of money-making activities.
Achieving Financial Freedom
Achieving financial freedom requires a different mindset. In our classic college education, we are taught to work for money. Therefore, we put in the time to work and then we get our wage. This is the famous time for a money swap. However, financial freedom removes the concept of time-and-money-swap and allows an individual to make money work for them.
Achieving financial freedom involves a different shift in lifestyle and overall mindset. While it is easy to think about having more time to invest and create a business, most office workers still find that whatever amount of time that they have should be placed in a routine. A critical step in achieving financial freedom is realizing that there are ways to make better use of one's time.
To achieve financial freedom, fundamental attitudes about the concept of money need to be changed. Realizing that money is only a means to achieve an end is one thing. Knowing that no one should be judged depending on the amount of money they own is. Judging financial freedom as the amount of money held defeats the purpose because, in the end, you will not have financial freedom if you are not satisfied with the money that you have. Remember that financial freedom is also a personal perception. This perception is highly related to the level of satisfaction that money brings.
On another side of the coin, we should also remove the negative perception of money. While the saying that money is the root of all evil seems relevant, thinking that this is always the case will provide a repellent view about creating wealth. Always put into the heart that financial freedom is a healthy endeavor as long as one feels it is ethically sound to make money. In the end, having the right attitude about money will go a long way in dealing with different perceptions of financial freedom. Financial freedom is ultimately a state of mind.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
4 Simple Steps To Conquer Self Esteem
Believe it or not, some of the most successful people you see in the media today used to have low self-esteem. How did they overcome this and become the successful people that they are today?
You can win the battle over low self-esteem with these 4 simple steps
1. Affirmations.
Affirmations are simply positive things that you say out loud to yourself every day. This can be very difficult at times because you may not actually believe what you are saying. SO why would you say something to yourself that you don't believe?
Increased self-esteem has to start with you. So, if you are shy and intimidated by people, start to say something like the following: I am NOT shy and I am NOT intimidated by people. I am VERY confident when I get around people.
Repeat this to yourself out loud at least 10 times before you leave your room. When you say this, don't just mumble it either, say it as many times as necessary until you say it with passion and conviction.
2. Read to grow.
Again, increased self-esteem starts with you. Read something everyday for at least 30 minutes that will help you increase your self-esteem. This can be an article, a book, or even an audio series. The more you learn the more you will grow. The more you grow, the more your self-esteem will improve.
3. Take action every day.
Do something every day, starting with something small, that directly deals with your low self-esteem. For instance, if you can't talk with people because you feel insecure and inferior, just start off by saying Hi. As you get more comfortable with this, then start to make small talk. You will begin to feel more confident and more confident until one day, you will find that you have overcome low self-esteem in that area.
4. Stop the negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts are like land mines. As soon as you step out to face your fear, a negative thought comes and tells you that you cant do it and BOOM; you believe it and lose that round. Instead, diffuse negative thoughts before they have a chance to do damage.
A great way to do this is with a rubber band! Put a rubber band around your wrist. Every time a thought comes into your head that tells you that you cant, you will never succeed, you are a looser, or anything negative, SNAP the rubber band on your wrist.
You may be snapping that band until your wrist is red and sore. Before long though, you will stop the negative thoughts because you don't want to hurt your wrist anymore.
These four steps will help you increase your self-esteem and become the person you really want to be. Just remember this: you are not going to change overnight. It will take time but as long as you are progressing, you are winning the war.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Self hypnosis secrets to manifest
Self-hypnosis or auto suggestion is a process by which an individual can train herself to let her mind believe in something in the subconscious state. Self-hypnosis is also termed autogenous training. Self-hypnosis procedures follow various methods to accomplish a certain objective. One can easily get into a state of mental visualization or self-induced brainwashing with the help of self-hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis can be learned and practiced by any individual through practice. While it is easy to understand and learn self-hypnosis, it is important to note that it shouldn’t be practiced while driving or eating or drinking. One should be in a stationary mode and have a focus on the goal to be achieved. One should be able to garner complete attention to the process of self-hypnosis and not diverted by any other act.
There are three major techniques of self-hypnosis – visual imagery, eye fixation, and progressive relaxation. All three techniques may not be suitable for all individuals. For example, the visual imagery technique of self-hypnosis works best with those who have more than average visualization capabilities.
Visual imagery is a technique demanding imagination of a beautiful place after closing your eyes. You must be able to listen to the sound in that image setting and actually see everything as if it is happening in reality around you. The eye fixation technique is suitable for those who are unable to properly visualize but possess better concentration power. This technique involves continuously watching an object and trying to get into the state of thoughtlessness. Progressive relaxation technique involves slowly relaxing parts of your body with the help of reverse counting. One starts from the toes and reaches the brain part one after another. This technique works great for those who are better able to control the parts of their body.
Some practitioners of self-hypnosis suggest turning off lights and music while practicing self-hypnosis. This is a debatable issue. Research has shown that some people are better able to practice the skills of self-hypnosis when they have light music and low wattage bulb in the room. Some debates also rage on the timing of self-hypnosis practice. Experts suggest the beginners find the ideal time slot of their own. One may try different timing in the day and then settle for the most suitable for that individual.
Self-hypnosis can be done for self-actualization, but if you plan to do it for pain relief or other such medical treatments, it is strongly recommended to get in touch with your doctor first.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening and enlightenment seem to be part of religious practices. Spiritual awakening is a religious experience where the person who is enlightened had contact with the divine and supernatural. It has been part of different traditions and practices, encompassing different religions.
Enlightenment is subjective since it fits on the individual's perception and understanding divinity and religion. It is also something which other people who do not share the same views may find different and sometimes frightening. Even though different religions have a different understanding of the divine and supreme being, awakening experiences seem to have commonalities, as well as their differences.
Different religions and traditions share that spiritual awakening and other religious experiences include the person to detach from the world and unite with God or gods and goddesses. The person would have a deeper connection to the world after the awakening. They would also attain innate knowledge and understanding of the world and other people.
Spiritual awakenings are not only experienced through religious activities and methods. It can also be experienced through peak experiences, life and death experiences and situations, psychic openings, and past life experience. Those who have awakened would say that they would experience physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes and difficulties. But the awakening, even with its turmoil and difficulty, has bee called blissful by some people.
It is a personal transformation and the awakened can experience different changes in their actions, habits, and way of life.
William James in The Varieties of Religious Experience, states that a spiritual awakening brings certainty and insight to the truth which is unfathomable by usual sensory and intellectual means. The experience can change the outer behavior, attitude, character, and outlook of the person who has experienced the awakening.
For example, people who have a spiritual awakening would experience sudden waves of emotions. Food intolerances and allergies develop after the religious experience. Some traditions say that because the human mind and body are opening to the divine and the spiritual, it gets more sensitive. Getting more sensitive means that your body can have a lower tolerance level to some things compared to how it was before the religious journey and completion.
The senses are high and can be extra-sensitive. Enlightened people would see auras around living things and some glittery particles. The colors would appear more vivid and even see shapes and brilliant colors with eyes closed. Hearing is also sharper than before. But some would testify that they would experience a decrease in hearing since they would hear a different kind of sounds and have difficulty identifying the different sounds.
Smell, taste, and touch are also enhanced. Which is why some would be sensitive to food and smell. Rashes can happen on the skin that can happen at the same time with healing moments or completion of some memories or anything that could have happened in the past.
There would also be moments when the awakened person would feel a sudden rush of power. Some people would say that they would experience hotness running from their head to toe, while there are others who would say the feeling was cold.
Just to stress on the point, the transformation that a person undergoes upon a spiritual awakening depends on how they see and understand divinity and religion. Not all of these personal transformations could happen to everybody who has experienced enlightenment. In some religions, some of these transformations are not acceptable while other traditions and religions would foresee these transformations essential.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Monday, September 14, 2020
8 Greatest Fears to Achieving Transformation Success
Have you ever had difficulty keeping a simple commitment to yourself? Sure. Nearly everyone I know has, some time or another, found him or herself “trapped” wanting to do something yet not acting on their intentions.
So why don’t we do some of the things we want to or know we should like improving our health and building a better body?
Let’s say you keep putting off that new fitness program. You can even imagine what it might mean to you: having a firm, strong, healthy body; feeling an abundance of energy; newfound confidence, and sex appeal… Still, you don’t do it. So why do you keep putting it off? What’s preventing you from taking those first steps?
Consider this…
My observation is that our minds tend to see the obstacles first those barriers that lie between where we are now and where we want to be or who we want to become. Just as fast as you conceive of achieving your new body, your mind begins to spout out every excuse it can come up with why you can’t attain your goal. So even before we can initiate any action, we literally paralyze ourselves.
And once your head begins to fill with all the obstacles that could potentially keep you from achieving your newfound goal, suddenly your desire to even try is crushed.
But what if all the obstacles were removed?
Think about it for a moment: if whatever deterred you from attempting to build your very best body suddenly vanished, you’d have no fear to stop you, right?
What if I showed you how to take those obstacles and instantly transform them into strategies for achieving success… Would you consider starting, or sticking to, your new (or current) fitness plan then?
“… we can choose to transform those circumstances that oppose us into specific decisions and actions that can lead us to our goals.”The truth is, we can choose to transform those circumstances that oppose us into specific decisions and actions that can lead us to our goals. True empowerment you can use to your advantage!
Let me explain…
The Breakthrough Technique
So how can we break through our fears, smash those barriers, and transform those obstacles into strategies for achieving our fitness goals? It’s really quite simple to allow me to introduce you to the Breakthrough Technique. Here I’ve taken the eight most feared obstacles that potentially stand in the way of your success, followed by a very specific success strategy to blast through them and help you reach your fitness and physique development goals.
Are you ready? Great… let’s get started!
Believe it or not, individuals who achieve extraordinary levels of success have days just as hectic as ours. They’ve got obligations: commitments to work, friends, and family. And let’s face it, we’re all confined to an equal amount of time the same 24 hours. Yet some people find the time to continually make exercise a part of their daily routine.
So how do they do it? Simple they create it. You can instantly create time if you begin to plan, plan, and plan some more. That means planning your days ahead, at least a day in advance, sometimes even a week in advance. One of the best time-creating techniques is to make a list of your daily “to-dos” and schedule when you’re going to exercise. (This is a common challenge we forget how important it is to schedule an appointment with ourselves to exercise.)
Then divide your “to-dos” into things you must do and things you would like to do, so you’re less likely to confuse urgency with importance. You see, getting to the gym is important, whereas getting your haircut may seem urgent when you’re running late but can certainly be rescheduled. And before you do anything, always ask yourself what you could be doing that would be more productive.
Success Strategy #1: PLAN AHEAD. Creating the time you need to exercise is easy! Plan your days in advance by creating action lists of the most important things to accomplish each day.
Obstacle #2: I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Don’t know what exercises to do to help you get the most out of your workouts? Not sure what to eat, when, to help you put on muscle and shed that unwanted body fat? And supplements, well, these can be downright confusing!
That’s all understandable: there are just so many techniques, recommended by so many “fitness experts.” So, whose advice can you trust? It can become paralyzing. So instead of trying to sort through all the (mis)information, stop right now: keep yourself from chasing every exercise theory or latest diet craze. But this doesn’t sound like it will do us any good, does it?
So how do you find the answers? It’s a simple model for the success of others.
The greatest thing about success is that it leaves clues, and if we pay close attention, we can pick up those clues and model the actions and behaviors to produce similar results. Find people, whether in person or in a magazine, who have achieved the type of extraordinary success you wish to achieve and find out what they did. It’s really as easy as that.
“If you follow a proven approach to exercise, nutrition, and supplementation, you will achieve similar success.”
Success Strategy #2: STUDY A SUCCESSFUL FORMULA AND FOLLOW IT. Seek someone who has achieved the “extraordinary” results you desire and learn from his or her “winning” actions. If you follow a proven approach to exercise, nutrition, and supplementation, you will achieve similar success.
Do you wake up every morning feeling energized, powerful, and ready to take on the day? Or do you rise feeling as tired as the night before, resenting that a new day has presented itself so soon? Do you fear your current energy levels would never allow you to participate in a fitness program?
This is a great example of the perceived problem of your lack of energy to exercise is the ultimate solution. We might believe we’re too exhausted to exercise, but in reality, we lack energy simply because we don’t exercise!
It’s been scientifically proven that incorporating exercise into our lives actually gives us more energy. Moderate levels of exercise can even help us sleep better at night, so we wake up renewed.
How else can you bolster energy levels?
As long as we feed ourselves with properly balanced protein- and carbohydrate-rich meals, we feel an immediate impact on our energy levels. The more closely we keep to our preferred eating strategy, the better we feel, period. Feeding our bodies every two to three hours throughout the day provides us with a stable, constant supply of nutrients required to be more energetic.
Success Strategy #3: GIVE YOUR ENERGY A BOOST. Exercise and proper nutrition play a vital role in our energy levels and allow us to perform at peak levels daily.
Goals come from having a clear vision of what you want. Knowing you want to build your very best body is great to start, but you need something more than that statement so compelling it literally pulls you, like a magnet, in the direction of its achievement.
So, maybe you’re not certain how to set effective goals? If that’s you, then don’t worry, everyone starts off this way… To really set effective fitness goals and ensure you’ll reach them, you’re going to have to learn what I call the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting technique. Not only will this technique enable you to set the most effective goals, but it will also help focus your efforts on exactly what you want to achieve.
S.M.A.R.T. stands for:
Specific you must be specific about what you want to achieve, creating your goal in the present tense. That means using “I am in the process of…” to start your goal statement.
Measurable how do you measure “better shape” or “slimmer waist”? You can’t. So scale your goal to a specific number (e.g., 10% body fat, a 33-inch waist, or a size six).
Action-oriented you must be able to create an action list of things you must do to achieve success.
Realistic make certain your goal is realistic yet stretches you, given your expectations and timeframe.
Time-conscience date forces us to give it a priority and puts positive pressure on you to achieve it.
Success Strategy #4: TRANSFORM YOUR FITNESS GOALS. Using the S.M.A.R.T. technique will ensure you’ve set an effective and commanding goal and will not only clarify your path to success but will compel you to achieve it.
The physical transformation that takes place on your outside (your body) is really a metaphor for the mental (inner) transformation that takes place on the inside. You see, not only should your chosen program change the way you look, it is just as important that it change the way you feel about yourself.
“…not only should your chosen program change the way you look, but it is also just as important that it change the way you feel about yourself.” Every time we purchase the latest miracle pill, workout gadget, or eight-minute solution, we’re just avoiding the process of a true transformation and trying to find a quick fix. This is nothing more than treating the symptoms and not the causes. It does nothing to improve our self-esteem, confidence, or personal power.
Let me share a little secret with you and save you time, money, and frustration: this approach never works. And you’ll never feel a true sense of fulfillment when you try this type of “magic bullet” approach. Unless you start from the inside, you’re sure to find yourself right back where you started, only more disappointed.
We must challenge ourselves to find a solution that involves total balance complete solution that integrates some very essential elements, such as proper nutrition and supplementation, cardiovascular and weight-training exercise, and most importantly, strengthening our inner self, our minds.
Your chosen program should help you set commanding goals, transform your old, self-defeating beliefs into new, empowering beliefs, and transform your patterns so you’re continually producing results that take you closer to your goals.
Remember, you can’t transform a lifetime of poor habits in a matter of days. It takes time a couple of months at best. Rest assured, following a solution that allows you to first transform your inside and then your outside is sure to plan for long-term success.
Success Strategy #5: FOLLOW AN INSIDE-OUT APPROACH. To successfully transform your physique and achieve your fitness goals, follow an approach that focuses first on increasing your self-esteem and building confidence before you concentrate on your physique, and you’ll more likely be able to create extraordinary results that will last a lifetime.
There’s a huge difference between intentions and actions. And the difference is commitment.
Our commitment to our goals leads us to achievement, even during the toughest times. There is a direct relationship between motivation and commitment. And if you’re really committed to making a change now, the only way to make it happen is to create a sense of immediate importance.
You can do this by attaching reasons that are so compelling and so intense you must follow through. So right now, ask yourself the following questions and come up with at least three intensely compelling reasons you must commit to your transformation goals.
What will this cost me if I don’t change right now?
What has this cost me so far, concerning my health, physical condition, self-confidence, and energy levels?
If I do change now, how will I feel about myself?
How will this impact my life?
What will I gain as a result?”
Your answers to these questions will help you gain an immediate understanding of what you’re committed to and why!
Success Strategy #6: IDENTIFY YOUR REASONS. Clearly state your reasons for wanting to change and make them so compelling you become truly committed to achieving your fitness goals.
Sometimes the accomplishment of our goals might seem so overwhelming, the immediate temptation is to give up before we even start which diminishes our self-confidence even further. It’s true. We can’t gain confidence until we take action. Yet, we don’t want to take action until our confidence levels are raised sufficiently. See the “catch”?
Take, for example, the intimidating obstacle of your entire fitness goal needing to be achieved in a giant, single step. Now that’s paralyzing, isn’t it?
“… to gain confidence, you must break your fitness goal down into measurable steps.”That’s why, to gain confidence, you must break your fitness goal down into measurable steps. For example, if you wanted to lose 12% body fat within 12 weeks, then you could realistically set your increments for one percent of body fat reduction per week. This way, you don’t have to focus on the whole goal at any given time, nor do you notice all that you have not yet accomplished; instead you can focus entirely on the smaller, manageable steps ahead. This gives you a tremendous sense of control and achievement. Building your confidence, each step of the way.
By the time you are nearing the end of your first couple of weeks of your fitness program, despite the ups and downs in progress, you will begin to feel more confident. You will be determined to advance one more step and make the effort to complete your fitness program and build your very best body.
Suddenly, as the fear dissipates, you will discover newfound confidence. And best of all, you will have achieved what you once thought was impossible one increment at a time.
Success Strategy #7: MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS. Success is accomplished only through measuring your progress, always from where you’re coming from (backward). This way, you will never lack a sense of accomplishment, and you’ll build your confidence with each and every step.
So you need a source of motivation in your life something to get you out of bed in the morning and carry you through the day?
One way is to continually “see” what you want to become by finding a picture of someone’s physique you would most like to emulate (probably in your favorite fitness magazine), cut it out, and hang it someplace you’re likely to see it over and over again throughout the day. You might even write down your reasons for wanting to achieve this goal with the photo.
By seeing the body you want to achieve in front of you all the time, you’ll be pointing your subconscious toward the realization of these results. This constant source of inspiration is a reminder of where you are going. It’s called bringing focus to the center of your awareness.
Success Strategy #8: FIND INSPIRATION. Discover your inspiration, someone who has turned his or her body and life from ordinary to extraordinary, and use that as your source of daily fuel. Look for inspiration in our Success Stories, such as David Silbaugh, Marina Popelka, and Mark Harden, who have each reached their goals and are now helping others do the same.
Final thoughts
Remember, building a better body does not follow an absolutely straight line. Life doesn’t work that way. But now that you’ve found the principle of turning literally any obstacle into a stepping stone for your success, you can create the fitness and physique results you so desire.
By committing to turning these once fearful obstacles into powerful success strategies, you will begin to create extraordinary results in your physique and ultimately achieve your fitness goals.
If there are any other obstacles I overlooked, please email me (at info@r5starsprosperity.com, and I will gladly help you create a successful strategy to blast through it.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
Friday, September 4, 2020
Seven Secrets Of Millionaires
Secret One: Decide you want to be prosperous and decide that you will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal. In deciding this you are deciding to take action that will change your life. Understand that prosperity does dot just mean being rich or wealthy. It encompasses all things like happiness, health, wealth, life goals, and more.
Secret Two: There is no easy way to prosperity and if you are looking for an easy way, then stop reading now because there is no easy way. A recent survey of one thousand millionaires, asking them for one secret to success; ninety-five percent said, that a key to success was to work long hours for five, ten, or more years.
Secret Three: Believe you can achieve any goal you set. Dream it, tell your wife, tell your friends, and when you go to bed at night and dream about what you will do when you become prosperous. Not a single millionaire has succeeded without dreaming of it first.
Secret Four: Plan to succeed beyond your wildest dreams and then some. If you wanted to have one million dollars plan on ten or a hundred million, because if you dream of one hundred million and only manage to make only ten percent or even one percent of your plan
Secret Five: Be unfailingly honest especially to yourself, but also be honest and fair in all your dealings with others. This does not mean you should not take advantage of situations or of other weaknesses; it means you should maintain a moral high ground and not cheat or lie your way through life. Continually take stock of yourself and you're dealing with others in business and in your personal life.
Secret Six: Understand that failure is the key to success. Prosperity is relatively rare because, most, people fear failure. We, often, do not understand that failure is common, and rarely do we succeed on the first try. If you fail, try again and again until you succeed. Do not, ever, give up.
Secret Seven: When deciding what direction you wish to take, do not try to be the first or the best. While first and, or, best happens and can lead to success, the vast majority of success comes from imitating other's success. You may think it's not sensible to be the sixth pizza shop in a street but consider this. Why are there five pizza shops in this street? It is possible that this is the perfect location for a pizza shop. Can this street handle one more? Consider this; in time, given your shop matches your successful competitors, you will have a seventeen percent piece of this pie or even more, if you follow all of my secrets of millionaires.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Aligning For Wealth
Someone asked me recently if I could articulate some easy and basic “steps” that a person could do every day that would help them be in alignment with wealth, meaning be “inline” to attract wellbeing, goodness, and prosperity. So, that prosperity would flow easier in life. That where they stood emotionally was a reflection of what they wanted to create in life, versus standing in fear and scarcity.
My answer to that question was yes! Yes, you certainly create some basic “steps” to do each and every day that would align you with wealth, joy, and goodness. Now, before I go there, I want you to realize that these steps, or perhaps a better word would be “keys”, to alignment are not set in stone. But, they are indeed good building blocks for beginning the journey, your journey, that sets your “keys to alignment” apart from everyone else’s.
1. I would begin with a heaping dose of self-care. What I mean by this – choose at least 10 things to do for yourself each day that isn’t a should or a have-to. This is one of the most essential things. It builds your sense of self-worth and you will begin to love yourself in a new way, and this in turn, lines you up with love, wellbeing, and prosperity.
2. Meditate. Every day for at least 5-15 minutes, begin to intentionally quiet your mind. Increase this time as you are able. Close your eyes, breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth 3 times. Then gently focus on your heart and your connection with God. Let fleeting thoughts pass by, without resistance. Stay focused on your love for God, your appreciation, and your joy. This is a Tibetan form of meditation that I have found to be excellent.
Why is meditation important? Connection to All That Is and All That Is a far cry from scarcity isn’t it?! It is good to experience truth and love on a daily basis and move away from the many illusions of life. Meditation also quiets your mind so that you can raise your vibration to it’s the most natural and abundant state. In this state, you are a powerful attractor of wealth and wellbeing. Treat your self to this each day.
3. Be in charge of your thoughts and feelings. Choose thoughts and feelings that make you feel better, and help you to ease any resistance to wellbeing in your life. If you can jump into joy this is great! But, if joy is too big of a stretch, then take your time and ease your way there. Make the topic of “feeling good” or “feeling better” at the top of your life’s list.
Here is an example. I have this little health issue. I could, if I chose, stand here: “This health issue is the worst, I can’t handle it, I have no control over this, my doctors don’t care, feel angry ..etc etc. ”
OR, I could stand here, and ease my resistance to it: “Well, I am here. It is better than where I was last week, and I can really feel myself improving a bit. I love my new naturopath and I believe in her. I know I will heal, and I know it will be soon, I can feel it coming. I trust I will have learned something from this, and that my body will be healthier because of it in the end. This thing won’t get me. It’s MY life.”
Help yourself move UP the wellbeing scale, versus spiraling down and around, creating more of the same situation you are in. You will be amazed how your connection to wealth and wellbeing seems to just happen…as if it was there all along. Imagine that! Here it comes.